MIGHTY MOUSE; Terrytoons story conference early in But studio boss Paul Terry, who is said to have liked ideas best when he could take credit for them himself, nixed that one. Shortly thereafter, Terry came up with the same thing, except with a mouse instead of a fly, and "Super Mouse" was born.
Jesse Robredo: Good governance guru and ideal family man When Jesse Robredo was awarded the Ramon Magsaysay award for Good Governance in , he was recognized for ldquo;giving credence to the promise of democracy by demonstrating that effective city management is compatible with yielding power to the people. rdquo; At the time, he had just relinquished his post as mayor of Naga City due to term limits, but not before transforming his sleepy hometown into one of the models of good governance in the Philippines.
Mablean EphriamAmerican judge and actressMablean Deloris Ephriam, Esq. (born April 23, ) is an American television personality and former Los Angelesprosecuting attorney.
nbsp;Art Monthly Australiasia Whats love got to do with it: Marriage at Penrith Regional GalleryImagination was also the ingredient that lifted the NSW State Archives exhibition Marriage: Love Law, recently shown at Penrith Regional Gallery (30 March 16 June), out of the realm of pure social history. Contemporary artists Blak Douglas, Freya Jobbins, Danie Mellor and Raquel Ormella were asked to respond to the colonial construct of marriage, and the results were more sobering than they were celebratory.
Faith is not a seasonal thingThe COVID lockdown in , which necessitated the shutdown of our churches, led me to search for Masses online. Mar 17, Barbara BoeyThe COVID lockdown in , which necessitated the shutdown of our churches, led me to search for Masses online.
A Manifesto of Emancipation:Marx;s ;Marginal Notes to the Programme of the German Workers; Party;after One hundred and twenty-five yearsMarx Myths and Legends. Paresh ChattopadhyayAn earlier version of the paper was presented at ;Marxism ,; University of Massachusetts at Amherst, September , Amended by the author for inclusion in ;Marx Myths and Legends.
Gilmore Girls: The Complete Evolution Of RoryByMeg WaltersThe WBOnce upon a time in a little town called Stars Hollow, there lived a young, bright teenager named Rory Gilmore, who had the world at her feet. This golden girl was destined for great things: She had sparkling wit, fierce intelligence, and buckets of ambition.
Phil LipofPhil Lipof is an ABC News correspondent based in New York City. Since joining the network in August of , Lipof has reported across all platforms, including World News Tonight with David Muir, Good Morning America, GMA3, ABC News Live and Nightline.
Mara WilsonAmerican actress (born )Mara Elizabeth Wilson (born July 24, ) is an American actress. As a child, she played Natalie Hillard in the film Mrs.
शैल चतुर्वेदीशैल चतुर्वेदीजन्म29 जून अमरावती, महाराष्ट्रमौत29 अक्टूबर (आयु 71)मलाड , मुंबई, भारतपेशाकवि, व्यंग्यकार, गीतकार, अभिनेताराष्ट्रीयताभारतीयविधाहास्यबच्चेविशाल, विहान, विवेकरिश्तेदारआकाश चतुर्वेदी (भतीजा) कृष्णा चतुर्वेदी (नाती)शैल चतुर्वेदी (29 जून - 29 अक्टूबर ) जो की भारत के एक हिंदी भाषा के कवि, व्यंग्यकार, हास्यकार, गीतकार और अभिनेता के रूप में जाने जाते थे, जिन्हें 70 और 80 के दशक में अपने राजनीतिक व्यंग्य के लिए जाने जाते थे। 91;193;91;293;उन्होंने कई हिंदी फिल्मों और टीवी श्रृंखला में एक चरित्र अभिनेता के रूप में काम किया। व्यवसाय[संपादित करें]उन्होंने इलाहाबाद विश्वविद्यालय में एक अध्यापक के रूप में अपना जीवन शुरू किया और जल्द ही विभिन्न कवि सम्मेलन (कविता सभा) में भाग लेना शुरू कर दिया, और अपनी द्विअर्थक राजनीतिक टिप्पणी के साथ, और के प्रमुख हास्यवादियों के बीच खुद के लिए अपनी पहचान बनाई, जिनमे काका हाथरसी, प्रदीप चौबे और अशोक चक्रधर शामिल थे । 91;293; वह होली के त्यौहार के समय, वार्षिक कवि सम्मलेन जो की दूरदर्शन, द्वारा प्रसारित किया जाता था में नियमित रूप में सम्मिलित होते थे। उन्होंने कई हिंदी फिल्मों में भी काम किया, जैसे कि उपहार (), चितचोर (), चमेली की शादी () और करीब ()। में श्रीमान श्रीमति में उन्होंने केशव और गोखले के बॉस "शर्मा जी" की भूमिका निभाई थी, जो की एक मशहूर टी वी श्रृंखला थी। कुछ समय से गुर्दे की जटिल बीमारी से पीड़ित होने के बाद, 29 अक्टूबर को उनकी मृत्यु हो गई। वह अपने पीछे उनकी पत्नी दया और तीन बेटे छोड़ गए। 91;193;चयनित फिल्मोग्राफी[संपादित करें]1 उपहार () शंकरलाल के रूप में 2 मेरे भैया ()प्रकाशक के रूप में 3 चितचोर () चौबे के रूप में 4 पायल की झंकार () 5 जज़्बात () हवलदार पांडे के रूप में 6 हम दो हमारे दो () 7 चमेली की शादी () लच्छूराम कपाची के रूप में (मखान के पिता) 8 नरसिम्हा () सीमा के पिता के रूप में 9 धनवान () हमीद भाई के रूप में 10 करीब () 11 तिरछी टोपीवाले () टीवी श्रृंखला[संपादित करें]धर्मेंद्र शर्मा के रूप में श्रीमन श्रीमती ()। के. बबलू प्रसाद शर्मा (केशव के बॉस) जाबां संभाल के () स्कूल इंस्पेक्टर के रूप में कुछ भी हो सकता है () भोंडी बाबा के रूप में ब्योमकेश बख्शी () रामेश्वर रॉय के रूप में काकाजी कहिन में नेताजी के रूप में काव्य रचना[संपादित करें]हास्य व्यंग्य संग्रह बाजार का ये हाल है ,प्रकाशक श्री हिंदी साहित्य संसार, चल गई, प्रकाशक फ्यूजन बुक्स। आईएसबीएन लेन देनतुम वाकई गधे होसौदागर ईमान केकब मर रहें हैंभीख माँगते शर्म नहीं आतीआँख और लड़कीपेट का सवाल हैहे वोटर महाराजमूल अधिकारदफ़्तरीय कविताएंदेश के लिये नेतापुराना पेटीकोटऔरत पालने को कलेजा चाहियेउल्लू बनाती हो?तू-तू, मैं-मैंएक से एक बढ़ केअप्रेल फूलयहाँ कौन सुखी हैगांधी की गीतामजनूं का बापशायरी का इंक़लाबदागो, भागोकवि सम्मेलन, टुकड़े-टुकड़े हूटिंगफ़िल्मी निर्माताओं से91;393;सन्दर्भ[संपादित करें]बाहरी कड़ियाँ[संपादित करें] .
Michael PittAmerican actor, model, and musicianThis article is about the American actor. For the British civil servant, see Michael Pitt (civil servant).
Overwhelmed by the sheer number of Lincoln biographies . Don;t know where to start ?Abraham Lincoln books far outnumber those about any other US president.
Ali MoertopoLetnan JenderalTNI (Purn. ) Ali Moertopo, atau sering pula dieja Ali Murtopo (23 September ;;;15 Mei ), adalah pemikir, tokoh intelijen, dan politikus yang berperan penting terutama pada masa Orde Baru di Indonesia.
My Booky WookMemoir by Russell BrandMy Booky Wook is a memoir, written by English comedian and actor Russell Brand, published in by Hodder amp; Stoughton. It was released in North America and Australia in by HarperCollins Publishers.
David HenrieDavid HenrieBornDavid Clayton Henrie () July 11, (age;35)Mission Viejo, California, U. Occupation(s)Actor, film producer, director and television writerYears;activePresentWebsiteDavid Clayton Henrie (born July 11, ) is an Americanactor, television writer, director and producer.
Prévisions meacute;teacute;o agrave; 3 jours pour L'Abergement-Sainte-Colombe ( ) Mode : Simple | Neige avancé | Haute altitude | Orage avancé || Tendances 10 jours || Diagramme Ens. GFSModegrave;le : Preacute;visions classiques (GFS) | Preacute;visions plus fines (WRF) | Preacute;visions plus fines (heure par heure - WRF) Preacute;visions plus fines (AROME) | Preacute;visions plus fines (heure par heure - AROME) Preacute;visions plus fines (ARPEGE) | Preacute;visions plus fines (ICON-EU) N.
Rakesh SharmaFirst Indian cosmonaut (born )For other people named Rakesh Sharma, see Rakesh Sharma (disambiguation). Wing CommanderRakesh Sharma, AC (born 13 January ) is an Indian astronaut and a former Indian Air Force officer.
Boards the slave ship Olaudah was born in the Eboe province at a village known as Essaka, in the area that is now known as southern Nigeria. According to his autobiography, he was born to the chief of a tribe.
European route E75The E;75 near Vadsø, NorwayThe E;75 on the NorwegianFinnish borderThe E;75, the Sami Bridge on the NorwegianFinnish borderThe E;75 in winter in Inari, FinlandThe E;75 in Ukonjärvi, Inari, FinlandThe E;75 in Oulu, FinlandThe E;75 in Viitasaari, Central FinlandThe E;75 near Jyväskylä, FinlandThe E;75 in Jakomäki, near Helsinki, FinlandThe E;75 near Helsinki, FinlandThe E;75 crossing the Vistula near Toruń, PolandThe E;75 in Bielsko-Biała, PolandThe E;75D1 in Bratislava, SlovakiaThe E;75M5 in HungaryThe E;75 in Röszke, Hungarian border with SerbiaThe E;75A 1, Beška Bridge crossing near Beška, SerbiaThe E;75A 1 near Inđija, SerbiaThe E;75A 1 in Belgrade, SerbiaThe E;75 near Stobi, North MacedoniaE75 M1 North Macedonia, near Veles (northbound view)The E75 (A1) near Katerini, Greece (southbound view)The E;75 at Athens, GreeceThe E;75 near Heraklion, Greece .
Abraham Lincoln The biography for President Lincoln and past presidents is courtesy of the White House Historical Association. Abraham Lincoln became the United States 16th President in , issuing the Emancipation Proclamation that declared forever free those slaves within the Confederacy in Lincoln warned the South in his Inaugural Address: In your hands, my dissatisfied fellow countrymen, and not in mine, is the momentous issue of civil war.
Jean-Pierre DanelFrench guitarist, music producer and composerDate of Birth: Country: FranceContent:Early LifeProfessional CareerProduction and Partnerships"Guitar Connection" Series and AcclaimBooks and LegacyEarly LifeJean-Pierre Danel, a renowned French guitarist, producer, and composer, was born on June 4, , in La Varenne-Saint-Hilaire, France. His father was the Corsican singer and songwriter Pascal Danel, while his uncle was the renowned opera director Jean-Pierre Ponnelle.
Stardust ( film)Romantic fantasy film by Matthew VaughnStardust is a romanticfantasyadventure film directed by Matthew Vaughn and co-written by Vaughn and Jane Goldman. Based on Neil Gaiman's novel of the same name, it features an ensemble cast led by Claire Danes, Charlie Cox, Sienna Miller, Ricky Gervais, Jason Flemyng, Rupert Everett, Peter O'Toole, Michelle Pfeiffer, and Robert De Niro, with narration by Ian McKellen.
Suhair Sibai was born in Syria in Through her work, Suhair explores the concepts of identity and the Self, using the female form as her preferred medium. According to Suhair, who was educated as an artist in the sprawling metropolis of Los Angeles, the level of multiculturalism and diversity to which many of us are exposed to these days has the potential to cause the discord, displacement, and division of the Self.
Biography of Mike Tyson0 ratings0 found this document useful (0 votes) viewsMichael Gerald Tyson, nicknamed quot;Iron Mikequot;, was born in in Brooklyn, New York. He became the youngest heavyweight champion in history at age 20 in Throughout his career, Tyson dominated the heavyweight division with his power and skill, holding the WBA, WBC, and IBF titles simultaneously.
Schuyler ColfaxAmerican politicianDate of Birth: Country: USAContent:Schuyler Colfax: Early Life and Political BeginningsAntebellum Political CareerSpeaker of the HouseVice President and Corruption ScandalLater Career and LegacySchuyler Colfax: Early Life and Political BeginningsSchuyler Colfax was born in New York City in , the grandson of General William Colfax, who fought in the Revolutionary War. Orphaned at a young age, Colfax moved with his stepfather to Indiana in He pursued journalism, becoming a newspaper editor at the age of Antebellum Political CareerInitially a Whig, Colfax ran unsuccessfully for the House of Representatives in He was elected in , becoming an outspoken critic of the Kansas-Nebraska Act.