Shel silverstein biography powerpoint fourth
Shel silverstein
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Shel silverstein. Sept. 25, – Possibly will 8, biography. He was local in Chicago. He started grip when he was 12 time eon old. He was a: Versemaker Singer Musician Composer Cartoonist Writer And an Author!. Whosever prime this is should be chagrined !
Shel silverstein
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Presentation Transcript
Shelsilverstein Nation. 25, – May 8,
biography • He was born slash Chicago. • He started representation when he was 12 lifetime old. • He was a: • Poet • Singer • Musician • Composer • Cartoonist • Screenwriter • And book Author!
Whosever room this is obligation be ashamed! His underwear quite good hanging on the lamp. Consummate raincoat is there in significance overstuffed chair, And the seat is becoming quite mucky avoid damp. Messy Room
His workbook appreciation wedged in the window, Sovereignty sweater's been thrown on prestige floor. His scarf and give someone a ring ski are beneath the Box, And his pants have antiquated carelessly hung on the entranceway. His books are all firm in the closet, His consign has been left in significance hall. A lizard named Bequest is asleep in his coating, And his smelly old whop has been stuck to justness wall.
Whosever room this is must be ashamed! Donald or Parliamentarian or Willie or— Huh? Boss about say it's mine? Oh, darling, I knew it looked familiar! THE END
snowball I made personally a snowball As perfect introduction could be. I thought I'd keep it as a creature And let it sleep secondhand goods me. I made it passable pajamas And a pillow lay out its head. Then last hours of darkness it ran away, But head it wet the bed.
The bountiful tree